Renee Russell


Renee is the quintessential landscape architect and the go-to for all things technical (grading, drainage, contraction details). Skilled in all areas—detailed and large-scale—she proved it by passing the grueling 3-day professional registration exam the first time, thereby entering LA legend. She worked for 10 years primarily in campus planning and commercial design: 5 years with Dale Fritz & Associates (Birmingham, AL); and 4 with Michael Versen & Associates (Knoxville, TN) and became particularly interested in “way finding”—designing circulation and signage that leads people intuitively.

Her graduate thesis, “Alternatives to Stream Channelization in an Urban Floodplain” was directed by Bruce Ferguson, FASLA, an authority on storm water management.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Geography from the University of Pittsburgh (PA).

Renee has built her own chicken coop and put up preserves; she gardens organically and occasionally works with husband  John—also a landscape architect—while they raise their 4 boys. She has studied in Cortona, Italy.